Friday, November 14, 2008

Establish Healthy Habits Early in Your Child’s Life.

Even though I do not have any children of my own yet, I absolutely love kids! I love to watch them play, grow, and learn from the people who they look up to, and are exposed to. From infancy all the way to adolescence children grow, learn, and develop so much! What happens in the early stages of a child’s life determines their development throughout the rest of their life.

A child’s early years are a critical period for establishing healthy eating and physical activity behaviours. Nutritious food and regular physical activity support the normal growth and development of children and reduce the risk of developing chronic lifestyle diseases including obesity.

Providing your child with the correct amount of vitamins and minerals necessary is one step toward optimal health for your pride and joy!

While it may be a challenge to get your child to eat healthy, making sure they receive the proper levels of vitamins and minerals isn’t! With Market Australia’s Isotonix™ Might-A-Mins Children's Multivitamin, your child will get most of the necessary vitamins and minerals their growing bodies need in the perfect "isotonic" speedy delivery system which also tastes great too! Your kids will look forward to it every day, and you’ll be glad to know you’re helping them establish healthy habits early in life!

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