Saturday, April 19, 2008

Controlling Cholesterol

High cholesterol is often associated with heart disease in the United States. A diet that is high in saturated fat and cholesterol can increase your cholesterol levels. Reducing the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet can help lower your cholesterol. Foods that are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids can assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds are high in monounsaturated fats, which is a good fat. They are also very high in fiber and phytosterols that may have cardio-protective effects. Another food to consider would be oatmeal, which is very high in soluble fiber. The high amounts of fiber not only give you a feeling of satiety, but it may reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Omega-3 fatty acids are by far of the best of the good fats. They can be found in fatty fish, such as tuna, halibut, and especially salmon. Our fast-paced lifestyles do not always allow us to eat like we should or want to.

Market America's Heart Health Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E provides three grams of EPA and DHA daily. Three grams of EPA and DHA have been proven and FDA supported to clinically promote cardiovascular health and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Market America's NutriClean Advanced Fiber Powder provides nine grams of fiber in each serving. Most Americans do not meet the necessary daily fiber intake. NutriClean fiber can help support a healthy fiber intake. It also supports normal bowel movement, healthy cholesterol, and normal blood glucose levels.

With the combination of the right diet, Omega III Fish Oil, and Nutriclean Fiber Powder, you can knock out high cholesterol before it begins!

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