Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cell phone radiation

I bought a new cell phone a couple of month's ago. I was reading the user guide and other information that came along with it, and I was surprised to find that in five different places in all of this literature, were warnings that cell phones may be harmful to your health. Perhaps these warnings have always been there and I was oblivious to them before, nonetheless, I noticed them. Of course, it didn't come right out and say that they were dangerous, it was the same U.S. FDA babble, "not proven to be harmful... yada, yada, yada." However, right there, in five different places, the cell phone company was telling me that my cell phone might be hazardous to my health.

Here is another article highlighting the debate about cell phones and their potential effect on health.


Anonymous said...

Its a well known fact that Mobile phone emmits radiation and its impact on living organism is studied in few research papers and wikipedia.

Its important to take pro-active action and protect yourself from radiation damage. I personally use Stealth Radar Shield because its is not only low cost and provides immediate protection, but it has been tested in laboratory as an easy to use radiation shield and any one can install on wireless devices, cell phones and mobile instantly to save and get relief.

advanced phone radiation defense system. is available from Market Australia only. Prevention is better than cure.

durga said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

Cell Phones Australia