I'm excited to announce this new blog for Market Australia. This blog is created due to popular demand and the success of the Market America blog. There will be many authors, but one goal: To make communications easier among corporate, distributors, and the public.
This is great to see the blog and entire distributors or customers can talk over the blog.
This should be a pop topic during the upcoming convention.
I can't wait.
Blogs are a fantastic way to communicate with numerous people at one time & to discuss many different topics. This is going to
be another useful tool for all Market Australia partners!
Thanks to the BIG corperate TEAM and all the back office for the fantastic weekend.
Come all Distibutors now its our turn to put shoulder to the wheel.
Thanks once again cheers Gerald and God Bless
Wow what a convention, real, practical, heartfelt and truely inpsirational.
How can a corporate team make so many changes in only 3 months. I think we can tell that you guys are serious and we have been tagged.
It's our turn, now!!!
We have the best decision making corporte team ever!
We have the best products and services and the best people in this business. Thankyou for everything. Cant wait for our MA credit card and watch out MA...
It's just fantastic that we can be part of this wonderful community.
The 2008 convention confirmed that we are going the right direction, with the right leadership. We trust you, Rick and Wanda, Daniel and Terri, and not to mention Ian.
Let's go, guys! and jump in the wheelbarrow!
Wow! What a sensational & Inspirational National Convention.
Thanks Rick & Wanda for all your hard work over the last 3 months. We know how hard you both have tried for us and we truly appreciate everything that you have done & are doing.
Daniel & Terry, thanks for yr commitment to come to Australia.
You guys Rock.
Thanks also to Ian & his Teams
Go Market Australia, make this 2008 a memorable year in the history of your MA business.
God Bless
S Chen
Hi Guys,
We are doing a Transitions Lifestyle program to kick off in the next few weeks. If you are interested register your interest with me rob@gonowmail.com.au.
The program will predominantly be run via conference calls / online tracking via google doc's ...
Heck, I really dont know what this will entail but I am taking Daniel's lead - just go crazy & we'll work it out as we go...
Rob - Sydney
Oops. Jeremy & Scott, you have spiced up the weekend too.
Thanks for all you have done.
God Bless
Wow what a weekend, that was unbelievable. These guys are amazing - they are just like the super hero's "The Fantastic Four" in fact that should be their new collective official corporate Name. Can we get this approved, if not officially then unofficially, as what they pulled off was straight out of a Marvel comic how good overcomes all. Thank you Rick, Wanda, Daniel and Terri, and thankyou to Scott, Daniel, Ian, Ians team and of course Jacqueline. (maybe ian would look good also in some super hero Lycra!!)
Any customers reading this check out your customer managers web portal, as your shopping experience is going to take a new direction in True customer satisfaction, leaving you more time to do whats important to you instead of trapesing around a traditional shopping centre.
Together we change the face of retail shopping Forever.
Douglas and Vivian Sunny Mooloolaba
Wanda Williams! What a woman! Watch out Rick, Wanda's coming through! Wanda you are an inspiration to all women. When I came home I showed my children the video on Jason and told them that I never want to hear the words "I can't" ever again! We can do it guys. Let's "got off the bench". Let's take our businesses through the roof!
This was the best convention ever! Daniel you were right!
Wanda you go girl! Thanks to all the corporate team! Wonderful weekend and more to come please!
Maria - Sydney
Thank you Rick for being a man of your word - you have delivered on so many promises in so many areas in such a short time - I am proud to be a part of Australia's future! Wanda, Daniel, Terry, Jeremy, Scott, Jacqueline, Ian, Les, Dave - what an awesome spectacular we enjoyed - thank you all for your pivotal roles. Distributors, we have been here for a reason these last few years - true belief in this business will now pay off as we blaze a trail through the country! Pick a Challenge, GO FOR IT, and see you on stage at Leadership School!!!
Market Australia's growth is phenomenal. Coporate team has worked very hard in recent months to make all distributors very successful.
With Unfanchise business, and powerful products like motives, isotonix, transitions you have the most powerful business opportunity on the planet.
Distributors can create their own web portal for example http://www.marketaustralia.com.au/yoursite and take a slice of 1 Trillion dollar market with Market Australia's mall without walls portal.
Discover the iceberg yourself.
Those who are interested in creating their own online ecommerce enabled business website should visit http://www.webexplode.com.au and click on BUILD YOUR WEBSITE NOW button. Try now. With your 14 days free webcenter trial, you can see how fast you can create your first internet shop without any knowledge of HTML programming. Amazing ...
Market Australia...you rock.....!!!
Watch for more on this blog.... your favourite store is comming soon...
Thanks for reading this post and remember God loves you.
What an exciting and moved weekend!
My team and I are fully recharged and ready to go to the next level with our strong and committed corporate team supporting us.
Thank you Rick, Wanda, Daniel, Terry, Serena, and Ian.
Waw! Time for action.
Stunning convention, this is the best convention ever had...
but another best leadership to come!
I cannot wait to see how the shows will be in Brisbane!!!!
Its just so beautiful to be part of the growing process of such a dynamic company! The future has no limits and its up to us to make it for ourselves! And its so beautiful to be able to do it together and grow together! Its definitely an honour to be part of the MA family!
Thank you Corporate and fellow MA family! Together, we will soar beyond the sky!
Love you all,
Dawn and Davin Tan
Such a fantastic convention. Couldn't go to sleep since Friday nite. Even the songs are still singing in my head. Went to work today, I couldn't get the song out of my system.... CAN YOU FEEL IT & GIVE ME ONE MOMENT IN TIME .... I HOPE MY WORDS ARE RIGHT. THANK YOU MA...Looking forward to joining the Executive Coordinator level by September 08, in time for another inspirational convention. thank you to the corporate team.
...we're so blessed and delighted to have such loyal and dedicated leaders as yourselves.Rick POWERFUL, Wanda, AMAZING. Just Know:THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." And to think this thing is just beginning!!
Thanks for the warmth shared by Rick,Wanda,Daniel,Terry,Serena,
Jeremy, Scott & Ian. It was Such a fantastic convention.
Filled me with direction, lit my runway now ready to take OFF with a dynamic company such as yourselves.
Our future it Seems has no limits!!
Thanks to all who we meet, whom shared their wealth off knowlege, experience and extened the hand of friendship. Its definitely an honour to be part of the MA family!
I cannot wait to see you guys again in Brisbane.
Much Joy OF Giving
Hey Guys,
Fantastic week end
My team is so motivated we are all going for Webcenter challenges and it seems that retailer of the year is going to be between me and Jason!
Come on people challenges us and knock us off our perch!
Emech Industries
m: 0414 483 226
e: Emechindustries@gmail.com
w: www.shopinyourunderwear.com.au
Hello all and welcome to the Market Australia BLOG!
Wasn't this a FANTASTIC idea? What a great way to discuss current/previous events about the company, and what a way to leave feedback!
No doubt everyone had a great time at our convention?
What a great job the coroporate team are doing, and to think, that this is only the BEGINING! When Rick first arrived in Australia i was inspired by his passion, not only for Market Australia, as a business, but for it's people, the distributors. Now that convention is over, i am so glad that everyone can now see in Rick what i see in him everyday, that he IS here to help, and that he WILL take us to the top, there is no limit. And it's fantastic that you are all onboard! This is a new begining, and things are going to get even better!
Jacqueline Vandine
Ahhh, and damn you "Blogger" for not having 'automatic spell check'.. =P lol..
MA is the best. I feel so excited to be part of it. I can see myself earning $1Mil a year...No limits. The corporate Team really show that it is operating with one voice, one vision and one dream. To help all of us achieve our dream, our goal of being financially free. Watch out... Something BIG is brewing at the foothills of Blue Mountains. See you all at the TOP!
Who may I ask is Paul Z?
Marketoz: I work for Market America Corporate, located in Greensboro NC.
Marketoz: I work for Market America Corporate, located in Greensboro NC, USA
I am thinking on how to be a new entrant in this business..how do you market your product apart from your website?
Hello interested party. Where do you live? There are many way we market apart from the website.
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